But that is not why I am venting right now. I am frustrated because I am, by default, THE I.T. guy for the school, a responsibility that is NOT in my job description. I have learned a great deal in the last 8 years in this position but there are things I simply cannot do -- issues for which, in the past, I have been able to outsource to solve. This year, things are very tight and I have to do more myself, despite my lack of knowledge in these areas. What I really want to do is focus on my teaching. Instead I have to fix, replace, troubleshoot, etc. When I can squeeze it in, I have file paperwork for federal discounts on phone and internet services from the E-RATE program or collect/ship cartridges for recycling fundraiser we run. Forget moving forward, I am simply racing to keep our ground-losing to a minimum.
Don't get me wrong. These things greatly help our program but the also a lare huge distraction from my REAL job of teaching. It's a pain sometimes and I get tired of sacrificing my time and energy for things that don't help me to be a better teacher. So far, I am doing a fair job of not letting my teaching suffer due to these distractions, but I could be a more inspired teacher if I were able focus more on the duties listed in my job description.
Some day....