Wednesday, July 29, 2009

WordPress Upgrades and Comcast Update

First, the comcast update. For some reason, the gateway Comcast provided (i.e. modem + firewall +?) appeared to be interfering with our existing firewall. After about 8 trouble tickets has been opened on the issue (Why did they close the first one?), Comcast agreed to replace the gateway with a simple modem in May. Since that time, our internet connection has been extremely stable. This is good to know since I live 30 miles from the school and I don't go in to campus regularly during the summer. I didn't want to be spending my summer resetting the gateway every couple of days. I am not sure what the exact cause was as we were using pretty generic hardware for the firewall. For this we were running Untangle software, which I have fallen in love with. I hated the thought that I might have to ditch it as a result of these network issues. I am thrilled that I don't have to.

Last night, I decided to take the plunge and upgrade our school's website from WordPress 2.7.1 to 2.8.2. Following the advise of blogs like Karen Blundell's, I backed up the database and deactivated my plugins. The automatic upgrade worked sell. The only glitch was that I use custom permalinks and the control panel could not update my .htaccess file. The result was the 500 Internal Error. Unfortunatley, after giving this file WORLD permissions in the cpanel, WordPress did not correctly update this file for my permalinks. NOW, all I got was a 404 error when accessing any of my blog files.

To solve this, I accessed my blog files via FTP, showing my hidden files. In the /blog directory, I found the .htaccess file, backed it up locally then deleted it. That got me access to the WordPress admin pages again. YES!! From there, I copied the code which was suggested by the Settings > Permalinks page as follows:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /blog/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]

I placed the code into the .htaccess file and this fixed the problem. SUCCESS!!

As I looked again at the corrupted .htaccess file, I discovered that the code was copied in by WordPress with incorrect line breaks resulting in bad code. It took me some time to figure all this out so solving this issue was a major coup for me. Thanks to the bloggers who covered this issue.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Comcast Chaos

We have had continuous conncection issues with Comcast here at the school. The folks at Comcast were very responsive when I called them Wednesday and came out the same day replaced our gateway/modem. Things went swimmingly Thursday and Friday. This morning, however, some serious connection problems arose with inconsistant results loading pages. When I called them, they indicated that there was an outage in our area and that they were working to solve the problem. I was thrilled to know that, at least, I was not OUR equipment.

By 11AM, I decided to reset the modem/gateway by powercycling it. So far, all is well. In fact, as the figure below shows, our speed seems to be reaching previous levels measured after the Boost feature was launched last May. Nice job, Comcast!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Comcast Cares

An interesting thing happened a couple hours after my last post and a similar notice posted on Twitter regarding this issue; I was contacted by ComcastBill on Twitter asking if I needed any help. I hadn't had a chance to contact tech. support so this pre-emptive contact on their part was a pleasant surprise. I replied with my experience (see previous post) and that I would like to have the line tested. Unfortunately, I had already left school for the weekend and would not return until this past Wednesday due to an illness early in the week. My reply was recieved after ComcastBill had left the office so ComcastBonnie (on Twitter) followed up.

When I returned to school last Wednesday, I ran a few tests on the network to see if the issues had cleared up. So far, the disconnection issues have not returned. Our speed seems to have returned to expected levels too (see below).

I don't know how long Comcast has been doing tech. support via Twitter but I love the idea. Saves me time on the phone. Also, while I have no direct knowledge that they actually changed anything on their network, at least their AWARENESS of the issue has resulted in better connection quality. Thanks, Comcast!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

What's Happening?

Over the last the days, our internet connection has been spotty. The firewall appears to be handling the load (50 total nodes) with no problem, but at times, webpages fail to load. I powercycled the the cable modem yesterday, which seemed to help but the Internet is still sluggish. I ran another speedtest and came up with the following results...

Compare this to the result I blogged about last May when they launched their Boost feature.

While I realize this is not scientific, at the time I ran today's test all students and teachers were in the mulitpurpose room for an assembly. Only a couple of office staff could have been online at the time. Pings work internally with no problem but sometimes don't hit the internet. Something is fishy. What's up, Comcast?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

To Cache or Not To Cache

Untangle server continues to run beautifully. It is amazing to me how slick the interface is. For me, the interface, with it's virtual "rack" makes the whole package the perfect solution for those with limited knowledge in this area. Customization is easy and it is astounding how much power you get in the open source package. Add in the Commercial packages as needed and you have an easy to manage kick-butt gateway with options for any need. With my limited network administration background, the feature set combined with the interface and the availability of support was the clincher for me. See the screenshots here.

The one feature I do find missing however is a caching "rack". After doing some research on this recently, I have discovered that there is some disagreement among IT professionals as to the need for caching in the current online environment. Some argue that, since most pages are dynamically generated, that caching does little good and may actually cause a bottleneck in your network. Others counter that educational institutions often visit the same sites over and over again so caching is still a benefit. If you have thoughts on this debate, please leave them in the comments.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Firewall Success

Hallelujah! I finally have a fully functional open source firewall that is now installed at the school. It took a few months but we have done it!

Those of you who have read this blog (sparse though it may be) have read my trials and tribulations with IPCop. For a novice such as me, I found it a bit cumbersome and difficult to troubleshoot. Remember, my MAIN job is being my school's Computer Teacher. This IT stuff is an undesirable necessity. Don't get me wrong, I love training teachers in the use of technology, but when it comes to dealing with servers, I lack enough knowledge to really be comfortable with these duties.

I had installed IPCop over the Christmas break because we could no longer afford the ongoing subscription costs to filter our web content. It worked well, though it was still a bit confusing for me. With IPCop, however, we were experiencing regular browser messages stating that Internet Explorer could not load the page. The choice of browser didn't make a difference, nor did upgrading switches. In addition, all the information I collected about IPCop indicated that, while I was using a older machine (760 MHz), my hardware was still plenty capable of handling its tasks on a 50 user network. I even tried shutting off intrusion detection and caching, but the problem continued.

Enter, Untangle! Untangle is extremely easy to use. While the base package is free to download and install, Untangle offers some educational modules we plan to explore in the near future. For now, I installed the base software "bare back" on a server and 4 modules to define the roles of the server. These modules are easily downloaded and installed from within the Firefox browser supplied with the software. (Nice touch!) Once installed, they appear in your virtual "rack" and can be customized by entering the Settings for that module. I set up the Web Filter, Protocol Control, Firewall and Attack Blocker modules and was easily able to enter settings according to our needs.

I did have one small glitch, however. The Untangle server is connected to a gigabit switch and other workstations could not PING the Untangle server initially. After some tinkering (and sweating), I was able to accomplish a connection by setting both NIC's (inside and outside) to a speed of "10/100" instead of "Auto". Once that setting was changed, everything worked flawlessly.

I don't think IPCop failed me, however. First, the IPCop box was connected initially to 10/100 switch before I swapped it out for a gigabit switch, thinking my issue was with network traffic limitations. This proved not to be the case. Also, I decided to use a completely different repurposed computer which had more RAM and processing power, though I doubt the IPCop box was hindered in any way running on the slower hardware. The best I can come up with is a NIC driver issue or a bad Ethernet cable. Nevertheless, the system is working beautifully now and I am not going to question it. It's done and I don't have to worry about it anymore.

Now, back to teaching!