Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Network Communications issues

During the last few days, I have experienced daily network communications failures on our only Windows 2000 Server (firewall/proxy/content filtering/file-print sharing).  This resulted in access to the internet and all other network communications being halted across campus. I was able to determine that is was not a proxy issue because bypassing the proxy did not get me out to the Internet.   Not knowing exactly what was cause, I found that I could bring the services back online if I restarted our server.  What a pain!  I have had to do this 4 out of the last 5 days first thing in the morning.

The last failure was at about 4PM Monday.  The event log showed the following two errors:
  1. DHCP service - The JET database returned the following Error: -1808
  2. DHCP service - Error when backing up the database
First, the 1808 error.  I googled for Error 1808 and discovered that this is a DHCP error indicating that there is a lack of space on the volume.  I checked my system and discovered that the 3.5 GB system partition had only about 50 MB.  So I removed some unnecessary programs and opened this up to nearly 100 MB.  Since my dhcp.mdb database is 1.0 MB, I thought this ought to be plenty.

A Google on the second error led me to this article and the possible need to fix my dhcp.mdb file using jetpack.exe.  I have not done this yet as I am seeking some advice as to whether I should proceed since this is an OFFLINE operation.

Good news!  Since I cleared up some space on Tuesday, the network communications have not failed ("knock on wood").   I will be examining the logs further when I get a chance.  First, I have grading to do. 

Blogged with the Flock Browser


Anonymous said...


I would migrate your w2k server to w2k3 - I have been using AD integrated DNS/DHCP without issue for a very long time. Also, it would close some security holes.

The other option would be to migrate to a Linux or BSD based DNS/DHCP setup.

Mr. Somers said...

Thanks Anonymous!

Actually, our plan is to install a Win2k8 box for file/print services and move the dhcp/proxy/dns/firewall stuff to a Linux box. Do you have any open source solutions to recommend for this?

Thanks for posting!